How to find a good dance instructor

Want to learn how to dance salsa, but do not know where to start or where to go?
Or been dancing salsa but want to get better at it?
- you tried to learn how to dance salsa but could not learn?
- Is your desire fundamental? you simply want to get better at Salsa (Mambo) dancing?
- As a Gentleman you want to be able to lead anyone smoothly, and learn the secrets of proper leading?
- As a lady you want to learn the secrets on how to follow anyone, and add styling and flavor to your dancing?
Find a good instructor or salsa dance school.
Finding a dance instructor or dance school in the Miami, Fort lauderdale area, or anywhere in the world is not difficult. They are all over the place.
Instructors abound, but what do they offer, how do they teach, and more importantly, what should you look for in a dance instructor?
My advice is to consider four critical characteristics when you look for a dance instructor.
These are vital:
First and foremost,
an instructor needs to have teaching ability. The instructor must be able to convey to the student the desired outcome. This means that the instructor must be able to describe, explain, and illustrate.
Also, the dance instructor must have the ability to demonstrate what the students are supposed to do, and successfully transfer that dance information to the student.
the instructor should have a thorough knowledge of the steps, the technique, and the associated styling. This means that the instructor must be able to take those complex dance elements, and reduce them to simple steps, relate them to other moves, and/or demonstrate the similarity between these and other steps.
your instructor needs to have people skills. The instructor must be able to relate to the people in the class, enjoy working with people, and be able to work with a diversity of people and a variety of dance capabilities.
of course, the instructor must have a desire to teach. The dance instructor must have the attitude, interest, and ability to translate the Salsa steps, styling, and related elements into form, format, or content that the student can understand, along with the innate desire to do so.
he or she should be patient, thorough, and supportive. Patience is a critical asset for the instructor. It is frustrating for both teacher and student when you are having trouble explaining and obtaining the students’ understanding about some dance element. Thoroughness matters if the full learning process is to be successful. Seek out the instructor who expects you to do it well and will not accept that which is only adequate. The instructor who is willing to offer constructive criticism will generally demand more of you and as a result, push you more towards excellence. After all the reason for attending class is to learn the “what and how” of dancing.
In addition the instructor should also be aware of and informed about the various Salsa activities in the area. You’re looking for a person who is involved in Salsa
In closing,
remember that the class environment should temper all of your expectations. Salsa is taught in many forums. Classes can be group or private, single level or multiple levels. The teaching goals vary based on the type of dance class being taught. The teaching objectives of a large basic dance class may be to only introduce the basic dance step and to assure that every one has fun, whereas the goal of an advanced class may be to teach a specific dance step or steps at each session. Ask the teacher about the class objectives. Visit the class and observe how the dance class is taught. Try out the class, and the instructor. See how you like it. Ask the other students in the class about the things they like and dislike. Students will often be surprisingly candid.
I remember reading that the most important ingredient in any class is the student. After all the purpose of any dance class is to teach dance so that the student is able to perform in a manner equal to that of the teacher or better than the teacher is.
Article by Sam Boone
NOTE: Advice- from Tony Duarte
“Before taking a class from any instructor, do some research on the instructor, find out his or her background in dancing, his or her experience and expertise in teaching. Remember, anyone can look great dancing on a dance floor, but it does not mean that he or she can teach or that he or she is a good instructor.
A good instructor must have personal skills, must understand each student needs, must have abilities to demonstrate in the simplest form, must have knowledge of the dance being taught, must have compassion, must have love for the art of teaching, and must have lots of patience!!!!!!
A good instructor must see dancing as an art form in order for him/her to be able to find the best simple way to present, communicate, and transmit an element or component to each individual/student’s way of learning.
In addition, the instructor must be a believer in the abilities of each student, by giving positive encouragement to each student on individual skills, a good instructor must have a good eye to pick up and correct good lead/follow techniques, teach proper foot work, and proper styling; have discipline, have a sincere need and desire to improve the student’s technical skills knowing that through the process as an instructor he or she will accomplish something greater than he or she has ever achieved and know that the student will enjoy the accomplishment, and fulfillment, as he or she gains confidence through the process of learning by having fun in a positive environment and eventually move on to become a great salsa mambo dancer.” (Tony Duarte)
Are you ready to start dancing? check out STEP N DANCE for Salsa & Bachata Dance Classes
post by Tony Duarte | Dance Tips & Articles